Monday, 19 May 2014

Summer is Finally Here

Hey guys! So, on my last post over on my TrinketBox blog  I added a couple of photos from the beach near where I live just onto the end for a bit of colour! But, I thought those photos looked so lovely like so hot, I wanted to post them on this blog as well because this is just for my photography stuff.
These photos weren't meant to be extremely creative because I was down there with my friends having a day out in the sun so I didn't really have much opportunity for creativeness, but I thought I'd share them with you anyway!

So this is my local beach. I'm not specifiying where my local beach is because of safety but I love living by the sea! These photos make me happy because I know that summer is coming and that means making lots of memories in the sun with my friends! 
So yes, me and my friends went down to the beach on Saturday because it was 20 degrees! That's practically tropical for the UK! If your a Briton, you'll know what I mean! I even got sunburn which I am not very happy about at all. Wear sunscreen guys! Always a good idea!

Just a few quick snaps today but I try to upload onto here as much as possible for those keen photographers out there! 

Becca x

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