Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Items Around the House

Hey guys! This is my second photography post on here which I'm quite impressed I've been able to do so quickly because I don't usually have much time to take creative photos! Because of this I just photographed some things around the house and so this post is a couple of snaps of my FAVOURITE lamp in the whole house. It's just so pretty and I love it so much, so good to photograph if you catch it in the right lighting as well.
So, last weekend I decided to catch this lamp stand in the morning light where the sun was still quite low in the sky and I got a couple of amazing shots that are just amazing. As you'll see when I include the images below that the sun brings out so many colours making an incredible photo. I also like the way I can focus on the lamp itself so the background out of the window is blurred and it looks so effective with those 2 contrasts.
I'll stop talking about the photo now and let you see it, speak again soon!
Becca x

Monday, 3 March 2014

Welcome to Trinket Box Photography!

Hey guys! This is my second Trinket Box blog that I will be using for photography uses only for you keen photographers out there! I am in no way a professional photographer as I am only 15 but it's something I enjoy and some of my photos aren't half bad I suppose...! 
So on this blog I will be posting any photos I take when I'm out on a day trip where I've taken some good photos or I might just do the odd post every now and again of a photo or two that I quite like.
As this is my first post here, I'm including some of the previous photos I've taken for you guys to have a look at if you're interested! The ones I'm including here were all taken on my phone (iPhone 4) but I have recently got the Nikon Coolpix L320 so from now on that will be what I'll be taking all my photos on! I highly recommend this camera to anyone who is looking for one, haven't had it long but it's the perfect camera for starting out with photography in my opinion. 
So anyway, hope this first post wasn't too boring! Much more exciting things to come after this, enjoy the photos!