Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Film Festival - Grease

So, it's been a little while again, I'm sorry but I hope those that do read and look at this blog enjoy what they see every now and again!

I went to a film festival by the sea last night as it's very local to me and Grease was on which is one of my favourite films of all time!

Me and my friends went along and we had a brilliant time. It was really quite late at night so we got to watch the sunset by the sea which was really really pretty and it's something I've never done before considering I've lived by the sea all my life! 

I took the opportunity and I'm so glad I had my camera with me because the sky looked beautiful!
I hope you enjoy some of the photos I took!

So those are all the photographic photos I took last night, hope you enjoyed it!

Until next time,

Becca x

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Beach Walk

I tried to make sure it wasn't too long before I posted on here again! Did I succeed?!

I went for a little walk along the beach today because I was doing some child development coursework and I decided to take a little break. 

I had some food with me so I just sat down on the grass and thought it was a perfect opportunity to take a few photos. 
I didn't have my camera with me so they are iPhone 4 quality (sorry about that) but it's just something little to update this blog with a little more. 


Saturday, 2 August 2014

France 2014!

Hello all fellow photographers! It's been a while!

I haven't had the time to be creative with my camera for a really long time because of GCSE's etc. but I just got back from my holiday to France and I  had plenty of time and things around me while I was there so I'm gonna share a few of my snaps!


 Thanks for reading!

Until next time,

Becca x

Monday, 26 May 2014

Day Trip to the Beach

Hey there, it's been a little while since anything appeared over here! I think my last post on this blog was from the beach and guess what, I went to the beach again, and that's what this post is about! Woo hoo!
I did a diary like post over on my normal blog from today as well if anyone is interested in my friends and our selfies!
Anyway, I tried to get a few good snaps and I think I got some. The majority are landscapey ones but that's the main thing you get on beaches really. So, enjoy!

I love these photos, mainly because I absolutely love where I live and I think I'm so lucky to live by the sea, I take it for granted sometimes. It really is a beautiful place to be and I love living here.

Until next time,
Becca x

Monday, 19 May 2014

Summer is Finally Here

Hey guys! So, on my last post over on my TrinketBox blog  I added a couple of photos from the beach near where I live just onto the end for a bit of colour! But, I thought those photos looked so lovely like so hot, I wanted to post them on this blog as well because this is just for my photography stuff.
These photos weren't meant to be extremely creative because I was down there with my friends having a day out in the sun so I didn't really have much opportunity for creativeness, but I thought I'd share them with you anyway!

So this is my local beach. I'm not specifiying where my local beach is because of safety but I love living by the sea! These photos make me happy because I know that summer is coming and that means making lots of memories in the sun with my friends! 
So yes, me and my friends went down to the beach on Saturday because it was 20 degrees! That's practically tropical for the UK! If your a Briton, you'll know what I mean! I even got sunburn which I am not very happy about at all. Wear sunscreen guys! Always a good idea!

Just a few quick snaps today but I try to upload onto here as much as possible for those keen photographers out there! 

Becca x

Saturday, 26 April 2014

A Relaxing Week Away With Family

Hello again, it's been a little while since I posted anything on this blog for a little while but I don't get many opportunities to take creative photographs but I took a couple while I was away so I thought I'd share them with you guys, enjoy!

Well, there you go! Those are my most recent and most creative snaps so I hope you thought they were alright, haha not my best but they're decent.

Until next time,
Becca x